Publications and Activities of Thomas Zeiser


Fully reviewed journal publications, book chapters and fully reviewed conference/proceedings papers

  1. M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Modeling and analyzing performance for highly optimized propagation steps of the lattice Boltzmann method on sparse lattices , submitted (2014). pre-print: arXiv 1410.0412 (2014).
  2. T. Heidig, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger, H. Freund: Ortsaufgelöste Simulation des externen Stofftransports in komplexen Katalysatorträgergeometrien, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86:4 (2014) 554-560. doi:10.1002/cite.201300156.
  3. M. Wittmann, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, J. Treibig, G. Wellein: Chip-level and multi-node analysis of energy-optimized lattice-Boltzmann CFD simulations, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CPE) accepted (2015) -.
  4. F. Shahzad, M. Wittman, M. Kreutzer, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: A survey of checkpoint/restart techniques on distributed memory systems, Parallel Processing Letters 23:4 (2013) 13400 (20 pages). doi:10.1142/S0129626413400112.
  5. F. Shahzad, M. Wittman, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: An Evaluation of Different IO Techniques for Checkpoint/Restart, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Parallel&Distributed Processing 2013, (2013) 1708-1716. doi:10.1109/IPDPSW.2013.145.
  6. M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Comparison of different propagation steps for the lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 65:6 (2013), 924-935. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2012.05.002.
    original pre-print: arXiv 1111.0922 (2011).
  7. M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Domain decomposition and locality optimization for large-scale lattice Boltzmann simulations, Computers & Fluids 80 (2013), 283-289. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.02.007.
    original pre-print: arXiv 1111.1129 (2011).
  8. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein:: Performance analysis and optimization strategies for a D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Kernel on nVIDIA GPUs using CUDA., Advances in Engineering Software 142 (5) (2011), 266-272. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2010.10.007.
  9. A. Inayat, H. Freund, A. Schwab, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Predicting the specific surface area and pressure drop of reticulated ceramic foams used as catalyst support, Advanced Engineering Materials 13:11 (2011) 990-995. doi:10.1002/adem.201100038/.
  10. A. Inayat, H. Freund, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Determining the specific surface area of ceramic foams: The tetrakaidecahedra model revisited, Chemical Engineering Science 66:6 (2011) 1179-1188. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.12.031.
  11. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Benchmark analysis and application results for lattice Boltzmann simulations on NEC SX vector and Intel Nehalem systems, Parallel Processing Letters, 19:4 (2009) 491-511. doi:10.1142/S0129626409000389/.
  12. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, M. Wittmann, H. Fehske: Efficient temporal blocking for stencil computations by multicore-aware wavefront parallelization, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2009), (2009) 579-586.
  13. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: The world's fastest CPU and SMP node: Some performance results from the NEC SX-9, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Parallel&Distributed Computing 2009, (2009) 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4244-3751-1.
  14. G. Hager, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: Data access characteristics and optimizations for Sun UltraSPARC T2 and T2+ systems., Parallel Processing Letters, 18:4 (2008) 471-490. doi:10.1142/S0129626408003521.
  15. L. Axner, J. Bernsdorf, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, J. Linxweiler, A. G. Hoekstra: Performance evaluation of a parallel sparse lattice Boltzmann solver, J. Comp. Phys, 227:10 (2008) 4895-4911. doi:10.1016/
  16. S. Donath, K. Iglberger, G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, A. Nitsure, U. Rüde: Performance comparison of different parallel lattice Boltzmann implementations on multi-core multi-socket systems, Int. J. Comp. Sci. Eng., 4:1 (2008) 3-11. doi:10.1504/IJCSE.2008.021107.
  17. T. Zeiser, M. Bashoor-Zadeh, A. Darabi, G. Baroud: Pore-scale analysis of Newtonian flow in the explicit geometry of vertebral trabecular bone using lattice Boltzmann simulation, Proc. I. Mech. E., Part H: J. Eng. Med., 222:2 (2008) 185-194. doi:10.1243/09544119JEIM261.
  18. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, A. Nitsure, K. Iglberger, G. Hager: Introducing a parallel cache oblivious blocking approach for the lattice Boltzmann method, Progr. in Comp. Fluid Dyn., 8:1-4 (2008) 179-188. doi:10.1504/PCFD.2008.018088.
  19. T. Zeiser: Investigations of flow and species transport in packed beds by lattice Boltzmann simulations, (In: W. E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '06, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-36165-7, (2006) 343-354. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-36183-1_25.
  20. G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, S. Donath, G. Hager: On the single processor performance of simple lattice Boltzmann kernels, Computers & Fluids, 35:8-9 (2006) 910-919. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2005.02.008.
  21. C. Körner, T. Pohl, U. Rüde, N. Thürey, T. Zeiser: Parallel lattice Boltzmann methods for CFD Applications, (In: A. M. Bruaset, A. Tveito (editors), Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers), Springer, LNCSE No. 52, ISBN 3-540-29076-1, (2005) 439-465. doi:10.1007/3-540-31619-1_13.
  22. H. Freund, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, G. Emig: Detailed simulation of transport processes in fixed-bed reactors, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44:16 (2005) 6423-6434. doi:10.1021/ie049347r.
  23. T. Zeiser: Combination of detailed CFD simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method and experimental measurements using the NMR/MRI technique, (In: E. Krause, W. Jäger, M. Resch (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '04, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2004), Springer, ISBN 3-540-22943-4, (2004) 277-292. doi:10.1007/3-540-26589-9_26.
  24. T. Pohl, F. Deserno, N. Thürey, U. Rüde, P. Lammers, G. Wellein, T. Zeiser: Performance evaluation of parallel large-scale lattice Boltzmann applications on three supercomputing architectures, Proceedings of Supercomputing Conference SC04, Pittsburgh, (2004). doi:10.1109/SC.2004.37.
  25. P. Lammers, K.N. Beronov, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Testing of closure assumption for fully developed turbulent channel flow with the aid of a lattice Boltzmann simulation, (In: S. Wagner, W. Hanke, A. Bode, F. Durst (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Munich 2004. Transactions of the Second Joint HLRB and KONWIHR Result and Reviewing Workshop, March 2 and 3, 2004, Techical University of Munich), Springer, ISBN 3-540-44326-6, (2004) 77-91. doi:10.1007/3-540-26657-7_7.
  26. H. Freund, T. Zeiser, F. Huber, E. Klemm, G. Brenner, F. Durst, G. Emig: Numerical simulations of single phase reacting flows in randomly packed fixed-bed reactors and experimental validation, Chem. Eng. Sci. 58:3-6 (2003) 903-910. doi:10.1016/S0009-2509(02)00622-X.
  27. T. Zeiser, J. Treibig, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Simulation of highly loaded gas-solid two-phase flows by combining a cellular automata for the particles with a lattice Boltzmann flow solver, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 17 (2003) 201-204. doi:10.1142/S0217979203017333.
  28. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Application of the lattice Boltzmann CFD method on HPC Systems to analyse the flow in fixed-bed reactors, (In: E. Krause, W. Jäger (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '02, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2002), Springer, ISBN 3-540-43860-2, (2003) 439-450. doi:10.1007/3-540-31619-1_1.
  29. G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Simulation komplexer fluider Transportvorgänge in porösen Medien, Chem. Ing. Techn., 74:11 (2002) 1533-1542. doi:10.1002/1522-2640(20021115)74:11<1533::AID-CITE1533>3.0.CO;2-A.
  30. T. Zeiser, M. Steven, H. Freund, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst, J. Bernsdorf: Analysis of the flow field and pressure drop in fixed bed reactors with the help of lattice Boltzmann simulations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 360:1792 (2002) 507-520. doi:10.1098/rsta.2001.0945.
  31. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, Y.-W. Li, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst: CFD Calculations of flow, dispersion and chemical reactions in fixed-bed tubular reactors using the lattice Boltzmann method. (In: M. Breuer, F. Durst, Ch. Zenger (editors), High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing: Proceedings of the 3rd International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 21, Springer, ISBN 3-540-42946-8, (2002) 53-62.
  32. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Detailed simulation of transport processes in reacting multi-species flow through complex geometries by means of the lattice Boltzmann method, (In: E. Krause, W. Jäger (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '01, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2001), Springer, ISBN 3-540-42675-2, (2002) 442-452.
  33. T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, E. Klemm, Y.-W. Li, J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner: CFD calculation of flow, dispersion and reaction in a catalyst filled tube by lattice Boltzmann method, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56:4 (2001) 1697-1704. doi:10.1016/S0009-2509(00)00398-5.
  34. M. Breuer, J. Bernsdorf, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Accurate computations of the laminar flow past a square cylinder bases on two different methods: Lattice-Boltzmann and Finite-Volume, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 21:2 (2000) 186-196. doi:10.1016/S0142-727X(99)00081-8.
  35. J. Bernsdorf, Th. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Simulation of a 2-D channel flow around a square obstacle with lattice Boltzmann (BGK) automata, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 9:8 (1998) 1129-1141. doi:10.1142/S0129183198001047.


Other publications (not fully reviewed)

  1. W. Abu-Abed, K. Kucher, M. Krafczyk, M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: FETOL: A divide-and-conquer based approach for resilient HPC applications, Proceedings of NFOCOMP 2013: The Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation, Nov. 17-21, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. (2013) pages 7-12 Download infocomp_2013_1_20_10062. ISBN: 978-1-61208-310-0, ISSN: 2308-3484.
  2. F. Shahzad, M. Wittmann, M. Kreutzer, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: PGAS implementation of SpMVM and LBM using GPI, Proceedings of the 7th International Conforence on PGAS Programming Models PGAS2013, 3./4. October 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. (2013) -. PDF of the paper, PDF of the complete proceedings.
  3. M. Wittmann, G. Hager, G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, B. Krammer: MPC and Coarray Fortran: Alternatives to Classic MPI Implementations on the Examples of Scalable Lattice Boltzmann Flow Solvers, In: W.E. Nagel, D.H. Kröner, M. Resch (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '12. Springer, (2013) 367-372. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33374-3_27.
  4. M. Wittmann, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: An analysis of energy-optimized lattice-Boltzmann CFD simulations from the chip to the highly parallel level, arXiv, 1304.7664 (2013).
  5. M. Wittmann, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: Asynchronous MPI for the Masses, arXiv, 1302.4280 (2013).
  6. F. Shahzad, M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: Asynchronous checkpointing by dedicated checkpoint threads, In: J.L. Träff, S. Benker, J. Dongarra (editors), Lecture Notes in Computational Science (EuroMPI-2012), Springer, 7490 (2012), 289-290.
  7. J. Bernsdorf, T. Zeiser, H. Takahara: Application of the lattice-Boltzmann method in chemical engineering and medical physics (auf japanisch), Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), Journal "Computational Engineering" (ISSN 1341-7622) 14:3 (2009) 2124-2129. Further information
  8. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein, A. Inayat, W. Schwieger, T. Heidig, H. Freund: Selecting an appropriate computational platform for supporting the development of new catalyst carriers, InSiDE, Spring 2009, 7:1 (2009).
  9. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Speeding up a Lattice Boltzmann Kernel on nVIDIA GPUs, (In: B.H.V. Topping, P. Iványi (editors), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, (2009). doi:10.4203/ccp.90.17.
  10. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Vector computers in a world of commodity clusters, massively parallel systems and many-core many-threaded CPUs: recent experience based on advanced lattice Boltzmann flow solvers, (In: W. E. Nagel, D. B. Kröner, M. Resch (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '08, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2008), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-88301-2, (2009) 333-347. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88303-6.
  11. G. Hager, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: Data access optimizations for highly threaded multi-core CPUs with multiple memory controllers, IPDPS-2008, 2007. doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2008.4536341, arXiv:0712.2302.
  12. G. Hager, H. Stengel, T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: RZBENCH: Performance evaluation of current HPC architectures using low-level and application benchmarks, (In: S. Wagner, M. Steinmetz, A. Bode, M. Brehm (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2007. Transactions of the third joint HLRB and KONWIHR status and result workshop, Dec. 3-4, 2007, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching/Munich, Germany), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-69181-5, (2009) 485-501. arXiv:0712.3389.
  13. T. Zeiser, J. Götz, M. Stürmer: On performance and accuracy of lattice Boltzmann approaches for single phase flow in porous media: A toy became an accepted tool - How to maintain its features despite more and more complex (physical) models and changing trends in high performance computing!?, (In: E. Krause, Y.I. Shokin, M. Resch, N. Shokina (editors), Computational Science and High Performance Computing III. The 3rd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, 23-27 July 2007, Vol. 101 of Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-69008-5, (2008) 165-183. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-69010-8_13.
  14. M. Breuer, P. Lammers, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Towards the simulation of the turbulent flow over dimples -- Code evaluation and optimization for the NEC SX-8, (In: W.E. Nagel, D. Körner, M. Resch (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '07, Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2007), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-74739-0 / 978-3-540-74738-3, (2008) 303-318. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74739-0_21.
  15. T. Zeiser, M. Bashoor-Zadeh, G. Baroud: Pore-scale analysis of Newtonian flow in the explicit geometry of a vertebral trabecular bone based on lattice Boltzmann simulations, Technical Report, RRZE / HLRS progress report 2007
  16. J. Bauer, H. Freund, T. Zeiser, G. Emig: Simulation von Stofftransportvorgängen in Festbetten mittels eines Particle-Tracking-Verfahrens, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 78:9 (2006) 1275. doi:10.1002/cite.200650130.
  17. P. Lammers, G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, M. Breuer: Have the vectors the continuing ability to parry the attack of the killer micros? (In: M. Resch, T. Bönisch, K. Benkert, T. Furui, Y. Seo, W. Bez (editors), High Performance Computing on Vector Systems. Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2005), Springer, ISBN 3-540-29124-5, (2006) 25-39. doi:10.1007/3-540-35074-8_2.
  18. G. Wellein, P. Lammers, G. Hager, S. Donath, T. Zeiser: Towards optimal performance for lattice Boltzmann applications on terascale computers, (In: A. Deane, G. Brenner, A. Ecer and others (editors), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, May 24-27, College Park, MD, USA), Elsevier, ISBN 978-0444522061, (2006) 31-40.
  19. G. Hager, T. Zeiser, J. Treibig, G. Wellein: Optimizing performance on modern HPC systems: Learning from simple kernel benchmarks, (In: E. Krause, Y. Shokin, M. Resch, N. Shokina (editors), Computational Science and High Performance Computing II: The 2nd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, March 14 to 16, 2005), Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 91, Springer, ISBN 3-540-31767-8, (2006). doi:10.1007/3-540-31768-6_23.
  20. S. Donath, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, J. Habich, G. Wellein: Optimizing performance of the lattice Boltzmann method for complex geometries on cache-based architectures, (In: F. Hülsemann, M. Kowarschik, U. Rüde (editors), Frontiers in Simulation -- Simulationstechnique, 18th Symposium in Erlangen, September 2005 (ASIM)), SCS Publishing, Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik, ISBN 3-936150-41-9, (2005) 728-735.
  21. C. Heinen, J. Tillich, H. Buggisch, T. Zeiser, H. Freund: MRI investigation and complementary numerical simulations of flow through random bead packings with low aspect ratio, Magn. Res. Img., 23 (2005) 369-370. doi:10.1016/j.mri.2004.11.068.
  22. P. Lammers, K.N. Beronov, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: BESTWIHR: Testing of a closure assumption for fully developed turbulent channel flow with the aid of a lattice Boltzmann simulation, (In: A. Bode, F. Durst (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2005. Transactions of the KONWIHR Result Workshop, October 14-15, 2004 2, Techical University of Munich, Garching), Springer, ISBN 3-540-26145-1, (2005) 3-17.
  23. G. Hager, T. Zeiser, H. Heller: cxHPC: Setting up ByGRID --- First steps towards an e-science infrastructure in Bavaria, (In: A. Bode, F. Durst (editors), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2005. Transactions of the KONWIHR Result Workshop, October 14-15, 2004 2, Techical University of Munich, Garching), Springer, ISBN 3-540-26145-1, (2005) 97-102.
  24. T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Efficient flow simulation on high performance computers, (In: E. Krause et al. (editors), Computational Science and High Performance Computing -- Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop, Novosobirk, 2003), Springer, ISBN 3-540-24120-5, (2005) 285-305.
  25. Y. Al-Jahmany, P.O. Brunn, G. Brenner, T. Zeiser: Application of the lattice-Boltzmann method for the simulation of a Carreau-Yasuda fluid flow through a 4:1 planar contraction, Technical report, LSTM-Erlangen, 2004.
  26. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, G. Hager, S. Donath, F. Deserno, P. Lammers, M. Wierse: Optimized lattice Boltzmann kernels as tesbeds for processor performance, Technical Report, RRZE-Erlangen, 2004.
  27. G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, P. Lammers: Application performance on modern number crunchers, CSAR Focus, No 12, 2004.
  28. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, P. Lammers: Is there still a need for tailored HPC systems in CFD or can we go with commodity off-the-shelf clusters? Some comments based on performance measurements using a lattice Boltzmann flow solver, InSiDE, Autum 2004, 4:2 (2004).
  29. T. Zeiser: Strömung in porösen Medien: Vergleich LB-Simulation -- NMR-Messung, Quartl 36, 3/2003
  30. T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Efficient flow simulation on high performance computers, Journal Computational Technologies, 8:9 (2003) 101-120.
  31. T. Zeiser, H. Freund: Detailed investigations of single-phase flow in tubular fixed bed reactors of low aspect ratio, HLRS progress report 2003, Stuttgart, (2003).
  32. J. Bernsdorf, U. Jaekel, T. Zeiser, T. Takei, H. Matsumoto, K. Nishizawa: Lattice Boltzmann simulation and visualisation of adsorption processes in complex geometries, (In: P. Sloot, et al. (editors), Computational Science - ICCS 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2657), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-40194-0, (2003) 1054-1061.
  33. J. Bernsdorf, U. Jaekel, T. Zeiser, S. Doi, T. Takei, H. Matsumoto, K. Nishizawa: Reaction-diffusion and adsorption processes in porous media using lattice Boltzmann methods with concurrent visualisation, (In: K. Matsuno et al. /editors), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2002 Conference, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 20-22, 2002), Elsevier, ISBN 0-444-50680-2, (2003).
  34. G. Brenner, Th. Zeiser, K. Beronov, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf: Lattice Boltzmann methods: High performance computing and engineering applications (In: K. Matsuno et al. (editors), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2002, Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2002 Conference, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 20-22, 2002), Elsevier, ISBN 0-444-50680-2, (2003).
  35. G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf: Lattice Boltzmann methods: Applications in computational fluid mechanics, J. Therm. Sci., 5:1 (2001) 115-119.
  36. K. Beronov, T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Packed bed reactor flow statistics for a low tube to particle diameter ratio obtained from 3D Lattice Boltzmann simulations. In: R. Bennacer, A.A. Mohamed (editors), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applications of Porous Media, June 2-8, 2002, Jerba, Tunesia, pp. 1-13.
  37. M. Boukhezar, A. Alzoubi, G. Brenner, M. Lehner, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Numerical investigation of dispersion in 2D model porous media: Comparison between Finite-Volume and lattice Boltzmann methods. In: R. Bennacer, A.A. Mohamed (editors), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applications of Porous Media, June 2-8, 2002, Jerba, Tunesia, pp. 1-15.
  38. G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf, F. Durst: Applications of lattice Boltzmann methods in CFD, ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 50 (2001) 29-34.
  39. H. Freund, E. Klemm, G. Emig, T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Detailed 3D-simulations of single phase reacting flow in randomly packed beds with low aspect ratios, Proceedings of 3rd ECCE Conference, Nuremberg, 2001 (conference CD) and abstract in Chem. Ing. Tech., 73:6 (2001) 685. doi:10.1002/1522-2640(200106)73:6<685::AID-CITE6851111>3.0.CO;2-8.
  40. J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, F. Durst: Numerical analysis of the pressure drop in porous media flow using the lattice Boltzmann computational technique, (In: N. Satofuka (editor), Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan,10-14 July 2000), Springer, ISBN 3-540-41459-2, (2001) 493-498.
  41. J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers: Perspectives of the lattice Boltzmann method for industrial applications, (In: C.B. Jenssen et al (editors), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000, Trends and Applications. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2000 Conference, May 22-25, Trondheim, Norway), Elsevier, ISBN 0-444-50673-X, (2001) 367-373.
  42. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf: Performance aspects of lattice Boltzmann methods for applications in chemical engineering, (In: C.B. Jenssen et al (editors), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000, Trends and Applications. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2000 Conference, May 22-25, Trondheim, Norway), Elsevier, ISBN 0-444-50673-X, (2001) 407-414.
  43. Y.-W. Li, T. Zeiser, H. Freund, G. Brenner, J. Bernsdorf, E. Klemm, F. Durst, G. Emig: Direct numerical simulation of the sphere structure and the flow with chemical reactions in packed beds, Technical Report, LSTM-Erlangen, 2001.
  44. Y.-W. Li, T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, P. Lammers, F. Durst, H. Freund, E. Klemm, G. Emig: Direct simulation of the structure and consequential flow field in a packed bed, Technical Report, LSTM-Erlangen, 2001.
  45. T. Zeiser: Numerische Simulation reaktiver Strömungen in komplexen Geometrien mit der Lattice Boltzmann Methode, LSTM-Jahresbericht, 2001.
  46. T. Zeiser, Y.-W. Li, G. Brenner, H. Freund, E. Klemm: Direkte und detaillierte Simulation der Struktur und der Strömung in Katalysatorschüttungen, Quartl 28, 4/2000.
  47. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner: Detaillierte strömungssimulation in komplexen Geometrien mit dem Lattice-Boltzmann-Verfahren, Quartl 26, 2/2000.
  48. P. Lammers, T. Zeiser J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Porous media flow with the lattice Boltzmann method, Berichtsband Projects on the High Performance Computers of the Leibniz Computing Center 1997-1999, 2000.
  49. J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: A new tool for high performance CFD: Lattice Boltzmann automata, Berichtsband Projects on the High Performance Computers of the Leibniz Computing Center 1997-1999, 2000.
  50. T. Zeiser: Ferienakademie '97: Lernen in den Bergen oder: Wo geht's hier zum großen Hirtzer?.

Research stays


Participation in major research projects of recent years

Activities at Ferienakademie im Sarntal of FAU, University Stuttgart and TUM

(Co)organized conferences, workshops and tutorials

Given or co-authored talks and presentations (see also section on lectures below)

  1. F. Shahzad, M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: A fault tolerant application using GASPI communication layer (Poster), Supercomputing Conference, New Orleans, USA, November 2014 (Submitted).
  2. T. Zeiser, M. Wittmann, J. Treibig, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Predicting performance: On performance engineering applied to LBM, DSFD, Paris, Fance, July 2014.
  3. M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Modeling and analyzing performance for highly optimized propagation steps of the lattice Boltzmann method on sparse lattices, ParCDF, Trondheim, Norway, May 2014.
  4. T. Zeiser: Can users expect reliable performance on a commodity HPC cluster?, 26th NEC User Group, Lugano, Swiss, May 2014.
  5. T. Zeiser , et al.: On performance engineering for energy efficient application execution, 7th Megware HPC User Meeting, Chemnitz, May 2014.
  6. T. Zeiser: HPC zwischen Voodoo und Glaskugel - Ist Performance vorhersagbar und reproduzierbar?, High Performance Computing Workshop, Leogang, Austria, February 2014
  7. H. Freund, T. Heidig, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Open Cellular Monoliths for Structured Catalytic Reactors: Modeling and Simulationt, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 2013.
  8. F. Shahzad, M. Wittmann, M. Kreutzer, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: PGAS implementation of SpMVM and LBM using GPI, 7th International Conforence on PGAS Programming Models PGAS2013, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, October 2013.
  9. F. Shahzad, M. Wittman, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: An evaluation of different IO techniques for Checkpoint/Restart, LSPP Workshop at IPDPS 2013, Boston, USA, May 2013.
  10. T. Heidig, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger, H. Freund: Parallel particle tracking: Detailed mass transport simulation in complex geometries, Poster, Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik 2013, Würzburg, May 2013.
  11. H. Freund, A. Inayat, T. Heidig, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Hierarchical structuring of catalytic reactors using solid foam monoliths: Modelling and simulation, EAM Symposium at Cellmat 2012, Dresden, November 2012.
  12. M. Wittmann, G. Hager, K. Sembritzki, G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, B. Krammer: MPC and Coarray Fortran: alternatives to classic MPI implementations on the examples of scalable lattice Boltzmann flow solvers, Poster, 15th Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany, October 2012.
  13. T. Zeiser, J. Habich, G. Hager, J. Treibig, M. Wittmann, G. Wellein: Power efficiency of LBM implementations, ICMMES, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2012.
  14. T. Zeiser, E. Focht: Best Practices for Linux Cluster Operation, 24th NEC User Group, Potsdam, June 2012.
  15. T. Zeiser, M. Wittmann, J. Habich, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Implementation and optimization strategies for the lattice Boltzmann method, ICMMES, Lyon, France, July 2011.
  16. T. Zeiser, M. Meier, G. Hager, J. Treibig, G. Wellein: NEC @ RRZE - Experience with 500 nodes of the LX2400 cluster series, 23rd NEC User Group, Prague, June 2011.
  17. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein: Application Performance in the Multi-Core Era - Lessons to Be Learned for Exascale Computing ("Tales from the trenches"), 23rd NEC User Group, Prague, June 2011.
  18. T. Zeiser: Brief introduction to LBM, ParCDF special session on LBM, Barcelona, May 2011.
  19. G. Wellein, J. Habich, G. Hager, T. Zeiser: Node-level performance of the lattice Boltzmann method on recent multicore CPUs, ParCDF special session on LBM, Barcelona, May 2011.
  20. M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser: Domain decomposition and locality optimization for large-scale lattice Boltzmann simulations, ParCDF special session on LBM, Barcelona, May 2011.
  21. T. Zeiser: LBM@RRZE, Uni-Bochum, November 2010.
  22. T. Zeiser, G. Hager: Eine kritische Betrachtung von Performance und Performancedaten aktueller Systeme, invited talk, 4. HPC User-Meeting @ Megware, Chemnitz-Röhrsdorf, September, 2010.
  23. T. Zeiser, G. Hager: Thirteen modern ways to fool the masses with performance results on parallel computers, invited talk, 22nd NEC User Group, Toulouse, June/July, 2010.
  24. T. Zeiser, G. Hager: Thirteen modern ways to fool the masses with performance results on parallel computers, eingeladener Seminar-Vortrag, iRMB, TU-Braunschweig, June, 2010.
  25. T. Zeiser: Experience with large-scale systems: Part II - large-scale hardware and using large-scale systems, Seminar Effiziente numerische Simulation auf Multicore-Prozessoren (MUCOSIM), Uni-Erlangen, June, 2010.
  26. . Habich, Ch. Feichtinger, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Performance modeling and optimization for 3D lattice Boltzmann simulations on highly parallel on-chip architectures: GPUs vs. multi-core CPUs, ECCOMAS CFD Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2010.
  27. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Performance modeling and multicore-aware optimization for 3D parallel lattice Boltzmann simulations, Facing the Multicore-Challenge, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, March 2010.
  28. T. Zeiser: Experience with large-scale systems: Part I - large-scale hardware, Seminar Effiziente numerische Simulation auf Multicore-Prozessoren (MUCOSIM), Uni-Erlangen, November, 2009.
  29. T. Zeiser: Performance studies on the NEC SX-9 vector system & Optimization and parallelization of an highly scalable lattice Boltzmann flow solver for porous media flow, Berkeley Lab - Computing Sciences Seminars, LBNL/NERSC, Berkeley/CA, USA, November 2009.
  30. T. Zeiser: High Performance Computing in the Multi-Core Era -- Why care about performance, Richard F. Barry Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium and Computer Science Colloquium, Old Dominion University, Norfolk/VA, USA, October 2009.
  31. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Performance evaluation of numerical compute kernels on GPUs, First International Workshop on Computational Engineering - Special Topic Fluid-Structure Interaction, Herrsching am Ammersee, October, 2009.
  32. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: The world's fastest CPU and SMP node: Some performance results from the NEC SX-9, HLRS Results and Review Workshop, Stuttgart, Oktober 2009.
  33. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, M. Wittmann, H. Fehske: Efficient temporal blocking for stencil computations by multicore-aware wavefront parallelization, 33rd IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2009), Seattle, USA, July 2009. Best paper award.
  34. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Multicore-aware wavefront parallelization of a lattice Boltzmann flow solver, 6th International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), Guangzhou, China, July 2009.
  35. T. Zeiser, et al.: Challenges of the multi-core era -- from the lattice Boltzmann perspective, invited talk at EAM Seminar, Erlangen, July 2009. (invited)
  36. H. Freund, T. Heidig, A. Inayat, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Ortsaufgelöste Simulation der Strömung in offenporigen keramischen Schaumstrukturen, Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik, Würzburg, Juni 2009.
  37. A. Inayat, H. Freund, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: On the characterization of ceramic foam catalyst supports, Poster, Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik, Würzburg, Juni 2009.
  38. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: The world's fastest CPU and SMP node: Some performance results from the NEC SX-9, LSPP at IPDPS09, Rome, Italy, May 25-29, 2009.
  39. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Towards multicore-aware wavefront parallelization of a lattice Boltzmann flow solver, 5th Erlangen High-End-Computing Symposium, Erlangen, Germany, June 2009.
  40. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, H. Fehske, M. Wittmann, J. Habich, J. Treibig: Enabling temporal blocking for stencil computations by multicore-aware wave-front parallelization. CSE Seminar, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkely, USA, May 2009.
  41. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Enabling temporal blocking for a lattice Boltzmann flow solver through multicore-aware wavefront parallelization, Parallel CFD Conference, Moffett Field, California, USA, May 18-22, 2009.
  42. J. Habich, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Speeding up a Lattice Boltzmann Kernel on nVIDIA GPUs, First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering (PARENG09-S01), Pecs, Hungary, April 2009.
  43. H. Freund, A. Inayat, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: 3D simulation of the local flow field in ceramic foam structures, AIChE 2008 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2008.
  44. T. Zeiser, J. Habich, G. Hager, G. Wellein: Vector computers in a world of commodity clusters, massively parallel systems and many-core many-threaded CPUs: recent experience based on advanced lattice Boltzmann flow solvers., HLRS Results and Review Workshop, Stuttgart, September 2008.
  45. H. Freund, A. Inayat, T. Heidig, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, W. Schwieger: Local and integral transport characteristics of novel consoldated and unconsolidated structures for catalytic applications. ISCRE 20, Kyoto, Japan, September 2008.
  46. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein: A first view to a homogeneous many-core system on a chip architecture, ParCFD Minisymposium, Lyon, May 2008.
  47. T. Zeiser: Simulation und Analyse von durchströmten Kugelschüttungen in engen Rohren unter Verwendung von Hochleistungsrechnern, Promotionsvortrag, Erlangen, 3. März 2008.
  48. T. Zeiser: Challenges of changing (HPC) hardware -- A biased view based on lattice Boltzmann flow solvers, 3rd Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing, Novosibirsk/Akademgorodok, Russia, July 2007.
  49. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, M. Meier, G. Wellein: Woodcrest-Cluster @ RRZE, ZKI AK-Supercomputing, Leipzig, April 2007.
  50. T. Zeiser: Flow simulation with lattice Boltzmann methods: Basics and recent enhancements, Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, March 2007.
  51. H. Freund, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, G. Emig: Pore-scale simulation of transport processes in fixed-beds: Combining a lattice Boltzmann CFD method and a particle tracking method, AIChE Annual Meeting, November, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2006.
  52. T. Zeiser: Investigation of flow and transport in packed beds by lattice Boltzmann simulations, Poster, HLRS Results and Review Workshop, Stuttgart, October 2006.
  53. J. Bauer, H. Freund, T. Zeiser, G. Emig: Simulation von Stofftransportvorgängen in Festbetten mittels eines Particle-Tracking-Verfahrens, GVC Jahrestagung, Wiesbaden, September 2006.
  54. G. Baroud, T. Zeiser, C. Heinen: Microscale flow analysis in trabecular vertebral bone, Poster, Bologna MRPM8 conference, Bologna, September 2006.
  55. C. Heinen, T. Zeiser, G. Baroud: Voume flow rate distribution in flow (non-Newtonian) through porous bone structure, Poster, Bologna MRPM8 conference, Bologna, September 2006.
  56. T. Zeiser, G. Baroud, C. Heinen: Microscale flow analysis in trabecular vertebral bone, 3rd International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science, Hampton, Virginia, USA, July 2006.
  57. L. Abrahamyan, J. Bernsdorf, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, A. Hoekstra, P. Sloot: MPI parallelisation and performance aspects of a graph-based LB flow solver, Poster, 3rd International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science, Hampton, Virginia, USA, July 2006.
  58. G. Baroud, T. Zeiser, C. Heinen: Discussion about the possibilities of microscale flow analysis in trabecular vertebral bone Multi-Scale Modelling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Centra Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, Switzerland, April 2006.
  59. S. Donath, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, J. Habich, G. Wellein: On cache-optimized implementations of the lattice Boltzmann method on complex geometries, ASIM, Erlangen, September 2005.
  60. H. Freund, J. Bauer, T. Zeiser, G. Emig: Ortsaufgelöste Simulation von Transportprozessen in durchströmten Schüttungen, GVC-Jahrestagung, Wiesbaden, September 2005.
  61. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser: Performance experience on current CPUs, Intel-Meeting, Heidelberg, June 2005.
  62. T. Zeiser, G. Hager, G. Wellein, P. Wenisch, O. Wenisch, E. Rank: Interactive fluid dynamics: Computational steering of lattice Boltzmann simulations, SGI User Group, München, June 2005.
  63. G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, U. Küster: Towards optimal performance for lattice Boltzmann applications on terascale computers, Parallel CFD Conference 2005, Washington, May, 2005.
  64. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers: Future HPC architectures: A user's perspective, 2nd Teraflop Workshop, Stuttgart, March 2005.
  65. G. Hager, T. Zeiser, J. Treibig, G. Wellein: Optimizing performance on modern HPC systems: Learning from simple kernel benchmarks, Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing, Stuttgart, March 2005.
  66. C. Heinen J. Tillich, H. Buggisch, T. Zeiser, H. Freund: MRI investigation and complementary numerical simulations of flow through random bead packings with low aspect ratio, Poster, 7th Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Paris, July 2004.
  67. T. Zeiser: Combination of detailed CFD simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method and experimental measurements using the NMR/MRI technique, HLRS Results and Review Workshop, Stuttgart, October 2004.
  68. T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Numerical flow simulations on high performance computers: Possibilities, potentials and needs of computational fluid dynamics, invited talk, European HPTC Workshop, Paris, September 2004.
  69. T. Zeiser: Simulation of transport processes in hierarchical materials, Research Day, Lehrstuhl für Systemsimulation, Uni-Erlangen, August 2004.
  70. G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, S. Donath, F. Deserno, P. Lammers, M. Wierse: Optimization approaches and performance characteristics of lattice Boltzmann kernels, invited talk, Int. Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science, Braunschweig, July 2004.
  71. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, C. Heinen, J. Tillich: Strömungssimulation mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren auf Hochleistungsrechnern: Ein Vergleich mit NMR/MRI Messungen, Seminarvortrag, Forschergruppe 338, Karlsruhe, June 2004.
  72. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, K. Beronov, F. Durst, P. Lammers: Tera-scale lattice Boltzmann flow simulations: Fully developed channel flow, HLRS-TeraFlop Workshop, Stuttgart, May 2004.
  73. T. Zeiser: Das Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren und seine Anwendung in komplexen Strömungsgebieten, Projektmeeting Medizin, Erlangen, May 2004.
  74. G. Wellein, G. Hager, T. Zeiser: Die Welt der Supercomputer - Erfolg durch Stategie: Kompetenzteam für Hochleistungsrechner und technisch-wissenschaftliche Simulation, Kick-off Meeting Turbulenz, Erlangen, April 2004.
  75. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, C. Heinen, J. Tillich: Transportvorgänge in porösen Medien: Vergleich Lattice Boltzmann CFD-Simulation und NMR/MRI-Messung, GVC-Fachausschußsitzung CFD&Rheologie, Würzburg, March 2004.
  76. H. Freund, T. Zeiser, E. Klemm, F. Durst, G. Emig: Lattice Boltzmann CFD simulation of reacting flow in isothermal fixed-bed reactors, AIChE Annual Meeting 2003, November 16-21, San Francisco, USA; session 20021; paper 538d.
  77. T. Zeiser: Efficient flow simulation on high performance computers, Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computational Science and High Performance Computing, Novosibirsk/Akademgorodok, Russia, September 2003.
  78. T. Zeiser: KONWIHR Mini-Symposium on recent advances in lattice Boltzmann methods, LSTM-Erlangen, August 2003.
  79. T. Zeiser, H. Freund: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Lattice Boltzmann Simulationen in der Verfahrenstechnik, Degussa, Abteilung CAPE, March 2003.
  80. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Application of the lattice Boltzmann CFD method on HPC systems to analyse the flow in fixed-bed Reactors, 5th Results and Review Workshop of the HPC Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Stuttgart, September 2002.
  81. H. Freund, T. Zeiser, F. Huber, E. Klemm, G. Brenner, F. Durst, G. Emig: Numerical simulations of single phase reacting flows in randomly packed fixed-bed reactors and complementary experimental investigations. ISCRE 17, Hong Kong, August 2002.
  82. T. Zeiser, J. Treibig, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Simulation of high-loaded gas-solid flows by combining a cellular automata for the solid with a lattice Boltzmann flow solver. 11th Int. Conf. on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics and Soft Condensed Matter, Shanghai, China, August 2002.
  83. T. Zeiser: Lattice Boltzmann methods - Theoretical background and applications in chemical engineering, Seminarvortrag, Forschergruppe 338, Karlsruhe, Juni 2002.
  84. J. Bernsdorf, U. Jaekel, T. Zeiser, S. Doi, T. Takei, H. Matsumoto, K. Nishizawa: Reaction-diffusion and adsorption processes in porous media using lattice Boltzmann methods with concurrent visualisation, ParallelCFD Conference, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 2002.
  85. G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, K. Beronov, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf: Lattice Boltzmann methods: High performance computing and engineering applications, ParallelCFD Conference, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 2002.
  86. M. Boukhezar, A. Alzoubi, G. Brenner, M. Lehner, T. Zeiser, F. Durst: Numerical investigation of dispersion in 2D model porous media: Comparison between Finite-Volume and lattice Boltzmann methods. 1st Int. Conf. on Applications of Porous Media, Jerba, Tunesia, June 2002.
  87. K.N. Beronov, T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Packed bed reactor flow statistics for a low tube to particle diameter ratio obtained from 3D lattice Boltzmann simulations. 1st Int. Conf. on Applications of Porous Media, Jerba, Tunesia, June 2002.
  88. T. Zeiser: Experimental and numerical investigations of flows through packed beds, DFG-Workshop, Kaiserslautern, April 2002.
  89. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, G. Brenner, E. Klemm: Numerical simulations of reacting flows using the lattice Boltzmann CFD method, DGMK-Kolloquium, Erlangen, November 2001.
  90. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Detailed simulation of transport processes in reacting multi-species flow through complex geometries by means of the lattice Boltzmann method, HLRS-Workshop, Stuttgart, October 2001.
  91. J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, S. Doi, H. Matsumoto, K. Nishizawa, T. Takei, T. Zeiser: Visualization of reactive flows in environmental sciences and chemical engineering using RVSLIB and lattice Boltzmann flow solver, 1st International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2001), Sendai, Japan, October 2001.
  92. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, M. Steven, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst, J. Bernsdorf: Simulation of single phase reacting flows in randomly packed beds with low aspect ratios - Application of the lattice Boltzmann method in chemical engineering, 10th Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, Cargese, Corsica, July 2001.
  93. H. Freund, T. Zeiser, M. Steven, E. Klemm, G. Brenner, F. Durst, G. Emig: Detailed 3D-simulation of single phase reacting flow in randomly packed beds with low aspect Ratios, Poster, 3rd ECCE Conference, Nuremberg, June 2001.
  94. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, Y.-W. Li, G. Brenner, E. Klemm, G. Emig, F. Durst: CFD Calculation of flow, dispersion and chemical reactions using the lattice Boltzmann method, 3rd Int. FORTWIHR Conference, Erlangen, March 2001.
  95. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, E. Klemm, G. Emig, F. Durst: Detaillierte Simulation und Analyse von Transportprozessen in Festbettreaktoren mittels Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, GVC Fachausschußsitzung CFD, Weimar, February 2001.
  96. T. Zeiser, H. Freund, P. Lammers, Y.-W. Li, J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, E. Klemm: CFD-Calculations of flow, dispersion and reaction in a catalyst filled tube by a lattice Boltzmann method, 16th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Cracow, Poland, September 2000.
  97. T. Zeiser, Y.-W. Li, H. Freund, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, E. Klemm, G. Emig, F. Durst: Flow field, mass transport and selectivity of chemical reactions in sphere-packed fixed-bed reactors, Poster, 9th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 2000.
  98. J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, F. Durst: Numerical analysis of the pressure drop in porous media flow using the lattice Boltzmann computational technique, 1st International Conference on CFD (ICCFD), Kyoto, Japan, July 2000.
  99. T. Zeiser, P. Lammers, G. Brenner: TeraFlops@Work: Strömungssimulation mit dem Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren auf der Hitachi SR8000-F1, RRZE HPC-Kolloquium, May 2000.
  100. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner, P. Lammers, J. Bernsdorf: Performance aspects of lattice Boltzmann methods for applications in chemical engineering, Parallel CFD 2000 Conference, Trondheim, Norway, May 2000.
  101. J. Bernsdorf, G. Brenner, T. Zeiser, P. Lammers: Perspectives of the lattice Boltzmann method for industrial applications, Parallel CFD 2000 Conference, Trondheim, Norway, May 2000.
  102. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner: Lattice Boltzmann simulation of transport in complex chemical reactors, GAMM 2000, Göttingen, April 2000.
  103. Y.-W. Li, T. Zeiser, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, E. Klemm, F. Durst: Detaillierte Strömungssimulation und Untersuchung von Stofftransportprozessen in Festbettreaktoren mit dem Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, GVC Fachausschußsitzung Technische Reaktionsführung, Wernigerode, April 2000.
  104. T. Zeiser, J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Detaillierte Strömungssimulation in komplexen Geometrien mit dem Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, GVC Fachausschußsitzung CFD, Bamberg, Februar 2000.
  105. J. Bernsdorf, P. Lammers, T. Zeiser, W. Hamm, G. Brenner: Numerische Simulation zeitabhäangiger Strömungen mittels Lattice Boltzmann Automaten, Jahresbericht AG STAB, 1999.
  106. J. Bernsdorf, Th. Zeiser, G. Brenner, F. Durst: Simulation of a 2-D channel flow around a square obstacle with lattice Boltzmann (BGK) automata, 7th International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluids, Oxford, UK, 1998.
  107. T. Zeiser: Einsatz von Mikroreaktoren (Mikrostrukturreaktoren) in der Reaktionstechnik, Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg & Technischen Universität München, Sarntal, Italy, September 1998.
  108. T. Zeiser: Strömungssimulation mit zellulären Automaten: Lattice-Gas und Lattice-Boltzmann Verfahren, Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg & Technischen Universität München, Sarntal, Italy, September 1997.

Given lectures, tutorials and practicals (see also section on talks above)

  1. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, NUMET 2013, LSTM-Erlangen, February 2013.
  2. T. Zeiser, et al.: Sustaining High Performance with LBM: Hardware, Implementation and Performance Modeling, invited tutorial, 9th International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), Taipei, Taiwan, July 2012.
  3. T. Zeiser, et al.: Efficient implementation of lattice Boltzmann algorithms on modern multicore processors and clusters", invited lecture, 2012 Summer School on LBM, Tsinghua University & Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing, China, July 2012.
  4. T. Zeiser: Physik der Strömung in porösen Medien (und ihre Simulation mit ortsaufgelösten 3-D Lattice-Boltzmann-Simulationen), Kurzlehrgang Injektionstechnik, FMP Technology GmbH, Erlangen, November 2011.
  5. T. Zeiser: Introduction to lattice Boltzmann methods, Lattice Boltmann Method: Theory, Application and Implementation, Summer Term 2011, Uni-Erlangen.
  6. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, NUMET 2010, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2010.
  7. T. Zeiser, et al.: Efficient implenentation of lattice Boltzmann flow solvers, invited tutorial, 6th International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), Guangzhou, China, July 2009.
  8. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, NUMET 2008, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2008.
  9. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, G. Hager: Efficient implenentation of lattice Boltzmann flow solvers, invited tutorial, 4th International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), München, July 2007.
  10. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, G. Hager: Efficient implenentation of lattice Boltzmann kernels -- Advanced topics, invited tutorial, International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD), Antalya, Turkey, May 2007.
  11. T. Zeiser, G. Wellein, G. Hager: Efficient implenentation of lattice Boltzmann kernels, invited tutorial, International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD), Antalya, Turkey, May 2007.
  12. T. Zeiser: Lecture series on "Flow simulation using explicit bone geometry", Summer School of Sherbrooke on Microscale Biomechanics of Mineralized and Soft Tissue, University of Sherbrooke, August 2006.
  13. T. Zeiser, G. Weillein, G. Hager: Optimizing the performance of lattice Boltzmann kernels on contemporary HPC systems, invited tutorial, 3rd International Conference for Mesosocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), Hampton, Virginia, USA, July 2006.
  14. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, NUMET 2006, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2006.
  15. T. Zeiser: Übung Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren und High Performance Computing, NUMET 2006, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2006.
  16. T. Zeiser: An Introduction to Message Passing and Parallel Programming With MPI, Kompaktkurs Programmierung von Hochleistungsrechnern, RRZE, March 2006.
  17. T. Zeiser: An Introduction to Message Passing and Parallel Programming With MPI, Kompaktkurs Programmierung von Hochleistungsrechnern, LRZ-München, July 2005.
  18. G. Hager, T. Zeiser: Tutorials for the lecture on Programming Techniques for Supercomputers (PTfS 2004), Summer Term 2004.
  19. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, NUMET 2004, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2004.
  20. T. Zeiser: Übung Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren und High Performance Computing, NUMET 2004, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2004.
  21. T. Zeiser, G. Brenner: Einsatz von Lattice Boltzmann Automaten für die Simulation turbulenter Strömungen, Kurzlehrgang Turbulenz, LSTM-Erlangen, April 2003.
  22. T. Zeiser: Spezialausbildung für Studenten in Numerischer Strömungsmechanik - Lattice Boltzmann Teil, Seminar-ähnliche Lehrveranstaltung, LSTM, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg, Summer Term 2002.
  23. T. Zeiser, J.D. Lakshmipathy: Cavitation. Practical in Fluid Mechanics, Summer Term 2002.
  24. T. Zeiser: Strömungsberechnung mit Lattice-Boltzmann-Automaten, NUMET 2002, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2002.
  25. T. Zeiser: Übung Lattice-Boltzmann-Automaten, NUMET 2002, LSTM-Erlangen, March 2002.
  26. T. Zeiser: Simulation von reaktiven Strömungen mit Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, KONWIHR-Kurzlehrgang Numerische Methoden zur Löung von Ingenieurproblemen in der Strömungs- und Strukturmechanik, TU-München, February 2002.
  27. T. Zeiser, J.D. Lakshmipathy: Characterisation of sprays with PDA. Practical in Fluid Mechanics, Winter Term 2001/2002.
  28. T. Zeiser, D. Sojkovic: Spezialausbildung für Studenten in Numerischer Strömungsmechanik, Seminar-ähnliche Lehrveranstaltung, LSTM, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg, Summer Term 2001.
  29. T. Zeiser: Advanced modelling: Diffusion and chemical reactions, DFG & KONWIHR Workshop Lattice Boltzmann Methods, Theory and Application in Fluid Mechanics, Erlangen, March 2001.
  30. T. Zeiser: Real-time deomonstration of a lattice Boltzmann solver, DFG & KONWIHR Workshop Lattice Boltzmann Methods, Theory and Application in Fluid Mechanics, Erlangen, March 2001.

Supervised students and visitors

  1. Johannes Bleisteiner: Optimization strategies for a lattice Boltzmann method with sparse data representation on the Intel Xeon Phi co-processor, Master Thesis, RRZE, 2013.
  2. Julian Hammer: Vortrag Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München / Uni-Stuttgart im Sarntal, 2013.
  3. Martin Eberhardt: Optimization and parallelisation of FTDock, KONWIHR Software-Initiative, Februar-April 2013.
  4. Johannes Bleisteiner, Mario Heene, Stefan Reif, David Staubach: Vorträge Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München / Uni-Stuttgart im Sarntal, 2012.
  5. Gabor Zavodszky: HPC-Europe exchange program, RRZE -- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, August-October 2012.
  6. Faisal Shahzad: Checkpoint/Restart for fault tolerant MPI programs: A case study using a lattice Boltzmann code and the NAS parallel benchmarks, Master Thesis, RRZE, 2011.
  7. Rahul Prasanna Misra: Porous medium flows and applications, 10th Indo-German Winter Academy, India, 2011.
  8. Nan Chen: Comparative study of OpenFOAM and ANSYS CFX, Master Thesis, RRZE/FMP Technology, 2011.
  9. Julian Wechs: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Lattice-Boltzmann-Verfahren zur ortsaufgelösten Simulation in porösen Medien, Vortrag Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München / Uni-Stuttgart im Sarntal, 2011.
  10. Tobias Heidig: ParPartTrack: Massiv-paralleles Particle-Tracking zur Untersuchung von Strömungs- und Stofftransportprozessen in neuen schaumartigen Katalysatorträgern, KONWIHR-Software-Initiative, RRZE-CRT, 2010.
  11. Tobias Heidig: Numerische Geometrieerzeugung und Simulation der Durchströmung von schaumartigen Katalysatorträgern, Diplomarbeit, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg, MPI-RRZE, 2009.
  12. Tobias Heidig: Ortsaufgelöste Strömungssimulation in offenzelligen Schaumstrukturen, Studienarbeit, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg, MPI-RRZE, 2008.
  13. Dr. Pietro Asinari: HPC-Europe exchange program, RRZE-Politecnico di Torino, Italy, September 2008.
  14. Johannes Habich: Performance evaluation of numeric compute kernels on NVIDIA GPUs, Master Thesis, RRZE-LSS, 2007/2008.
  15. Dr. Pietro Asinari: HPC-Europe exchange program, RRZE-Politecnico di Torino, Italy, November 2007.
  16. Lilit Abrahamyan: MPI parallelisation and performance aspects of a graph-based lattice Boltzmann flow solver, HPC-Europe exchange program, RRZE-NEC CCRLE-Univ. Amsterdam, 2006.
  17. Jochannes Habich: Improving computational efficiency of lattice Boltzmann methods on complex geometries, Bachelor Thesis, RRZE-LSS, 2006.
  18. Stefan Donath: Lattice Boltzmann methods for the simulation of flows in complex geometries on HPC systems, Vortrag Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München / Uni-Stuttgart, 2005.
  19. Stefan Donath: On performance optimizations of lattice Boltzmann codes operating on sparse matrix data representations, Project work within the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering, 2005
  20. Guillermo Zschaeck: On advanced lattice Boltzmann methods: Analysis of different boundary conditions and evaluation of a novell hybrid thermal model, Mather Thesis, RRZE-LSTM, 2005
  21. Thomas Hofmann: Aufbau des HPC-Labors an der FH-Nürnberg und Integration der Rechner in ByGRID, FH-Praxissemester, Wintersemester 2004/2005.
  22. Stefan Donath: On optimized implementations of the lattice Boltzmann method on contemporary high performance architectures, Bachelor Thesis, RRZE-LSS-LSTM, 2004.
  23. Milena Gergova: Numerical pore-scale studies of transport phenomena in fixed beds, Master Thesis, CRT/RRZE-Erlangen, 2004.
  24. Jürgen Bauer: Ortsaufgelöste Simulation von Transportprozessen in porösen Medien zur Untersuchung von Dispersion und Verweilzeitverhalten, Diplomarbeit, LSTM/CRT-Erlangen, 2003/2004.
  25. Guillermo Zschaeck: student research assistant in the field of lattice Boltzmann methods, 2003-2004
  26. Tina Fleischmann: Lattice Boltzmann methods - theory and application, Vortrag Winter Academy India 2003.
  27. Vassil Vassilev: Analyse experimentell (mittels MRI/NMR) oder numerisch (durch LBM) ermittelter Geschwindigkeitsfelder poröoser Strukturen, Bachelor Thesis, LSTM-Erlangen, 2003.
  28. Margit Dautz: Numerische Untersuchung des strömungsmechanischen Verhaltens von Trägheits-Prall-Staubabscheidern, Bachelor Thesis, LSTM-Erlangen, 2003.
  29. Florian Altendorfner: Simulation des Einlaufbereichs eines Riserreaktors, Bachelor Thesis, IMMD X / MVT / LSTM-Erlangen, 2003.
  30. Milena Gergova: Bewertung von verbesserten Randbedingungen für Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren am Beispiel der Umströmung eines Kreiszylinders, Bachelor Thesis, LSTM-Erlangen, 2002.
  31. Markus Weikl: Detaillierte Untersuchung von Stoff- und Wärmetransportprozessen bei der Umströmung einer Einzelkugel, Studienarbeit, LSTM-Erlangen, 2002.
  32. Jürgen Bauer: Detaillierte Untersuchung von Stoff- und Wärmetransportprozessen bei der Überströmung einer Platte, Studienarbeit, TC1-Erlangen (primary supervisor: H. Freund, TC1), 2002.
  33. Florian Huber: Simulation und experimentelle Untersuchungen lokaler Transportprozesse in Festbettreaktoren, Master Thesis, LSTM/TC1 Erlangen, 2002.
  34. Vivek Bhandari: Detailed investigations of transport properties in complex reactor components, Master Thesis, LSTM Erlangen, 2002.
  35. Jan Treibig: Simulation von Gas-Feststoff Mehrphasensystemen mit dem Lattice Boltzmann Verfahren, Diplomarbeit, LSTM Erlangen, 2002.
  36. Martin Steven: Detaillierte Simulation und Analyse der Struktur von Latalysatorschüttungen und der lokalen Transportprozesse, Diplomarbeit, TC1 Erlangen (primary supervisor: H. Freund, TC1), 2001.
  37. Florian Huber: Lattice Boltzmann Automata: A different way to predict flows, Vortrag Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München, 2001.
  38. Vivek Bhandari: Flow Simulation with Cellular Automata, Vortrag Ferienakademie der Universität Erlangen / TU- München, 2000.

Conference, workshop and tutorial participation without own presentation

Reviewed papers and proposals for ...

Thomas Zeiser, LSTM/RRZE, 1997-2017; Impressum